Brand Abuse, Digital Fraud, Data Leakage, Sales Abuse, Threat Intelligence

Axur Report: Phishing Scams in Brazil Jump 64.5% in 2nd Quarter

By Andre Luiz R. Silva on

Surface web, deep web, dark web: The report is here, with data on the locations and types of online crime in Brazil, collected by Axur in the second quarter of 2019. The document is divided into four sections: Phishing and malware; Brand use violations; Deep and dark web and Detection and procedures. One of the most salient points appears right in the first section: the number of phishing scams grew by a whopping 64.5% over the previous quarter.


Online Criminal Activity in Brazil – 2nd Quarter/2019: Key Data

Phishing and malware

The numbers presented in the first section are significant: The total number of phishing cases reached 5,297. In addition to the 64.5% increase from one quarter to the next, this number is especially alarming due to the increase in cases affecting e-commerce, as well as banks and financial services. 

Brand use violations

The instances of brand use violations collected by Axur on the surface web also exhibit substantive variations, and include numerous cases of wrongful use of paid searches (sponsored results in search engines such as Google) that may lure users into cons such as scams and phishing.

Although these new cases were substantial during this period, the considerable growth found in data leaks on the surface web is also worth noting.

Deep and dark web

Consistent with what was recorded on the surface web, there was a visible increase in data leakage in channels on the deep and dark web monitored by Axur. Because this data is confidential and sensitive with regard to our clients’ and partners’ security strategies, access to the numbers in this section are reserved exclusively for authorized persons.

Detection and procedures

Here we offer further details regarding our monitoring, which is carried out using our own machine learning collectors and technologies.


View the contents


The report on Online Criminal Activity in Brazil emerged because we feel compelled to share the data we have compiled through the daily collection of millions of URLs. Axur plans, through this overview, to collaborate with the current digital security landscape in Brazil. To find out more about how we take action, visit our site.



Eduardo Schultze, Coordenador do CSIRT da Axur, formado em Segurança da Informação pela UNISINOS – Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos. Trabalha desde 2010 com fraudes envolvendo o mercado brasileiro, principalmente Phishing e Malware


Andre Luiz R. Silva

A journalist working as Content Creator at Axur, in charge of Deep Space and press activities. I have also analyzed lots of data and frauds here as a Brand Protection team member. Summing up: working with technology, information and knowledge together is one of my biggest passions!